102-104 Balliang Street South Geelong
2 Haystacks Drive Torquay
To help you manage your pain without all the stress, we're offering you one FREE initial appointment with Angus McSweyn.
Simply click the booking button below to book and mention the promo code "FREEHEEL" after booking your appointment
From Award Winning Podiatrist
2018 Australian Allied Health Award Winner
2019 National Industry Awards Judge
Managing Plantar Fasciitis in 2022: Everything you have been doing wrong and why you're not pain free yet.
"Plantar Fasciitis is one of the most common causes
of foot pain in the running and non-running population. It more commonly impacts runners, people aged 40 - 60 years old and equally
affects both males and females."
"Did you know that this diagnosis or use of the term Plantar Fasciitis is in most cases incorrect? "
"suggests that due to it’s more chronic/degenerative
nature a better term for the condition is Plantar Fasciosis, Plantar Fasciopathy or Plantar Heel Pain"
"The foot is a very complicated structure...They are collectively made up of 52 bones, 66 joints, 40 intrinsic muscles, 26 extrinsic muscles and over 100
ligaments and other soft tissue structures."
"If we delve a bit deeper and look at the individual's injury history and current symptoms we might find a different cause of their heel pain. The reason this is important is that each treatment plan will be different
based on your heel pain diagnosis and causative factors"